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Red Bunny Tail With Metal Butt Plug Small Ø 2.8 Cm
Small size ( insertion depth- 6 cm - Diameter plug- Ø 2.8 cm) Naughty Toys fetish role play red fluffy Bunny Rabbit tail with metal anal plug. Looking for the ultimate kinky anal stimulation toy to spice up your role play and sexual adventures? This short black rabbit bunny furry tail with a well-designed butt plug is your answer. It is guaranteed to bring that tail fetish into reality and take your role play to the next level. It is the perfect turn on for your partner as you immerse yourself in powerful orgasms with this bold-looking fox tail. Get Bunny in your kinky expeditions with this cute, luxurious butt plug. Small high quality polished Aluminium butt Plug with black synthetic Bunny Tail for amazing role-playing sex. High polished Aluminium teardrop-shaped Small size butt plug with a fake fur bunny's tail. PRODUCT FEATURES & CHARACTERISTICS - Complete length- 13 cm - Plug insertion depth- 6 cm - Diameter plug- Ø 2.8 cm - Material: Highly polished Alluminium with synthetic fur, phthalate-free according to EU regulation REACH - Faux fur - Artificial fur - Colour- RED faux fur with aluminium metal plug BRAND- Naughty Toys